Thursday, February 11, 2010

Social Media

We live in an exploding time of having lots of different ways to publicly state how you feel about any subject - (this blog for instance??)
Almost all of us now have the ability to instantly post what we feel about anything!!
So, as an aspiring singer, if you facebook, twitter, or blog, or if you post to NFCS or Classical Singer, it is very easy to immediately let your friends and colleagues know how you feel about any of your auditions, concerts, or opera performances.
It is also quite easy to vent your frustration with any part of those events.
To bring this to bear on the subject at hand - if you have an audition, you can share what you feel about the whole experience - good or bad.
The interesting thing about this is, that while it may be intended only for your friends and colleagues, the fact is that it often becomes possible for anyone to read it.
So, the moral dilemna I am putting out there is (and please respond, I'd love to know your thoughts):
  • Is it a good idea to comment on an audition (how you did, how the person hearing you reacted, etc.) on any or all of the social media platforms?
  • Is it right/wrong for someone who may be commented on in these media to react either directly or indirectly to those posts?
  • Has this been discussed enough in any forum for any of us to wrap our minds around the subject?
I look forward to discussing this more!!


  1. This is that great big can of worms. The rule is the same as it has always been, it's just that now Big Brother, or the Collective Conciousness, is watching. If you don't want someone to hear you say something about them, don't post it on any social media. No Twitter, No Texting, No Facebook...even your emails can be subpoenaed if it's something that dire. But for the little rants, best to always assume everyone is over hearing everything. I'm going to be modearting a discussion on Social Media at the Broadway Theater Center on March 5 at 8:00am. I'm sure it will be lively!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. What I'm more interested in is the question of how what *else* I talk about on social media affects me professionally. I would never put anything on Facebook that anyone would find offensive, per se (and certainly not anything *about* someone else that I didn't want them to know about), but I have posted things that belie, say, my political leanings - stuff that isn't really private but in an ideal world would not have an impact on a person's career prospects. I'm interested to hear others' thoughts on this. Can/does/should this kind of thing affect people's careers?
